
Risk Visualizer

Monitor your cashflow with our innovative tool, which combines cashflow visualization with suggested targeted actions to help you mitigate your currency risk.

Monitor your forecasted cashflows to control your FX positions

Corpay’s Risk Visualizer enables businesses to visualize, evaluate and generate reports on their cashflow in order to monitor their risk management needs, conveniently, online. Risk Visualizer helps you gain transparency and confidence, as you and your team are able to view open exposures and shortfalls in your hedging coverage in one centralized location.

By centralizing all necessary information and automating the FX exposure review process, the platform enables SMEs and mid-sized businesses to make well-informed decisions, even without extensive financial expertise. Uniform understanding of cashflows and exposure status can be achieved.

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Gain transparency and highlight your exposure

  • Take advantage of customizable cashflow parameters which allow you to include multiple currencies in your forecasting

  • Access automated review process of FX exposure for real-time cashflow management through a user-friendly interface for easy data input and visualization

  • Access tailored risk analyses and visualization of your cashflow data in real-time, then take action by selecting a forward contract, limit order, rollover, and drawdown, or even options strategy

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Try it now!

Risk Visualizer allows you to set time horizons, transaction formats, and transactional frequency, providing you with one centralized location to monitor cashflows and evaluate targeted actions based on your FX risk management goals.

Risk Visualizer demo

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